Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Today’s Gospel is from Matthew, which describes Jesus’ instructions to his Apostles regarding his ministry. This gospel is important in describing the steps to beginning our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday. Jesus tells his Apostles, “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them.” When we do a kind action, what is our motive? Is it to impress those around us-our parents, friends, or anyone else? Is it out of pressure from our society, environment, or our friends? Let this Lent season make us more careful about our decisions and the purpose of them.
Jesus speaks to his Church directly, even 2000 years later, throughout this gospel and informs us of the importance of humility. Our kind words and actions should not be based on what others think; rather, our good deeds should be centered around God.
Jesus also confronts the topic of prayer-how to pray and what purpose it should mean. “Do not be like hypocrites, who love to stand and pray…so that others may see them”; how important is prayer in your faith life? Let Lent be the season where you take on your faith life by praying more often. Maybe instead of giving up something, make it a goal to say a decade of the rosary or pray before dinner. Let the words of Christ firmly speak to you during this Lenten season.