The senior schedule allows for up to two additional half-credit courses to be taken in the place of a study hall.  

The seven available courses are Advanced Computer Applications, Art Portfolio Prep, Computer Science, Digital Media, International Studies,  Music Theory, and Science Research and Inquiry.  While the selection of a senior elective is NOT mandatory, once a student commits to and begins an elective course, she/he is expected to complete the year-long obligation.  Please review the course descriptions below to consider your choices.  During the week of February 26, junior students will log on to the PowerSchool portal in order to solidify course choices for next year.  Every student must choose at least one full credit science course.  

Advanced Computer Applications

The Advanced Computer Applications course will provide a general overview of technology and computer applications including their advanced uses in academic and professional environments. Students will leave this class with a basic knowledge of Microsoft Office/Google Apps, a completed professional resume to be used for college internships, and a college toolkit to assist them with research papers in future education. Students will also learn how to take advantage of everyday technology in order to succeed in college and future careers.  This course is recommended for students who would like to grow in proficiency and experience using common applications in everyday use.

Art Portfolio Prep

The Art Portfolio Prep course aims to increase the skill and experience of art students at a more rapid and serious level than what would be achieved in the Art 12 course. It explores different types of material, exposes the student to greater exercises in creativity, and provides an opportunity to develop a portfolio of work which is needed when applying for an Art major or minor at college. For those who have a strong interest in art, but are not certain if they wish to pursue it in college, Portfolio Prep provides a great opportunity to go beyond the Art 12 course. Additionally, there is an option to gain college credit.

Computer Science

The Computer Science elective will provide an understanding of computer operating systems, hardware (functions, troubleshooting, and maintenance), and the basic background knowledge of coding and computer programming. Students will learn the computer language Python and will work on individual programming projects throughout the year. Other programming languages may be introduced later in the year as time and coursework allow.  This course is recommended for students serious about studying computer science, computer engineering, information technology, and computer programming. Prior knowledge and experience with computer programming languages are not required.

Digital Media

The Digital Media elective will provide an understanding of digital media applications. Students will use the Adobe Creative Suite of products, including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign. Students will develop creative media skills in these applications in order to create digital and print media. Work will be project-based throughout the year.  This course is recommended for students serious about basic digital design, print production, digital layouts, and graphics development.

International Studies

The International Studies course will expand the student’s understanding of the world around them. It encompasses world politics, major world religions, and current events. This course gives students the chance to learn more about world cultures, understand viewpoints other than their own, and foster a setting of academic conversation/debate on world issues. Students study the foundation and implementation of the United Nations while honing their writing/speaking ability. 

Music Theory 

The Music Theory course explores music composition concepts from a theoretical standpoint. It is an introduction into the fundamentals of music theory and notation. Emphasis is placed on the development of a general understanding of fundamental principles of music theory, pitch and rhythm notation, melodic structure and harmony. In addition, this course is designed to foster a better understanding of the music that a student may perform, create or listen to. It will also prepare students for college level introductory music courses.

Science Research and Inquiry

This course will provide opportunities for students to learn independent research skills and forge technical building skills through a variety of activities and assignments. The teacher will work with each student to select a research area or areas for long-term study. Students will work under the supervision of their teacher to construct various projects including balsa structures, flight vehicles, cars, and/or trajectories. The students are assessed on effort/teamwork and the quality of their construction on various projects. In class competitions and outside competitions like Science Bowl or Science Olympiad may be encouraged but not required.