The Parents Club organizes various service and social programs for Firebird parents. These programs provide support and assistance for the educational activities of their children and many opportunities to meet other parents to develop enduring friendships.

Among the services provided by the Parents Club are security for athletic and school events, the Mailing Committee, and hospitality for Open House. Social activities sponsored by the Parents Club include cocktail parties, dances, the orientation program, and the Communion Breakfasts.

All parents of students enrolled at Kellenberg Memorial High School are automatically members of the Parents Club. There are no fees or dues for membership.

Click here to volunteer for 2024-2025 Parents Club Events

Upcoming Events

Christmas at Kellenberg – A Firebird Family Event
Saturday, December 7, 2024
5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Registration forthcoming.

Parishioners Related In Marianist Education (PRIME) is a parents liaison between the school and local parishes. This group of parents serves as an extension of the Principal’s Office and assists in publicizing Kellenberg Memorial to prospective students as well as in promoting the achievements of Kellenberg Memorial students. PRIME is under the direction of the Principal. Any parents interested in joining this group should contact the Principal’s Office.