Congratulations Class of 2029!

Registration for Kellenberg Memorial

To become a member of the Class of 2029, there is a two-part registration.

Part I: Complete the online Student Profile by February 24th (link is found in acceptance email)

If you plan to enroll for the Class of 2029, you must complete the online profile by February 24th. After that date, the link in the acceptance email will no longer be active and you must call the Admissions Office at 516-292-0200 for further instructions.

Part II: At the end of the online Student Profile, (on the appointment screen), please do not make an appointment and call the Admissions Office at 516-292-0200 x210 to make an in-person appointment for the afternoon of February 25th.

As always, please call the Admissions Office at 516-292-0200 x210 with any questions.

Welcome to the Kellenberg Memorial Class of 2029!

Summer Camp Registration Open!

Latest News

Kellenberg Athletes Honored at Hofstra

Article by Phoenix writer Grace Andino ’25: Hofstra University celebrated accomplished Kellenberg student-athletes at the January 25 Hofstra vs. Delaware Men’s basketball game. Hofstra has been looking to become more engaged with Kellenberg Memorial in the form of student recognition over the past few years. At the end of last year, Hofstra contacted Kellenberg’s Athletic…

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Kellenberg Marches for Life

Article by Phoenix writer Sophia Kelly ’26: On January 23, members of our junior and senior classes headed down to Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life held on January 24. The March for Life began in Washington, DC in 1974. This peaceful, national protest is in response to Roe v. Wade, a decision…

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Kellenberg by Land, Sea, and Air

Article by Phoenix writer Brooke Oldenborg ’26: Our planet is one big, complex, and interconnected system made up of myriad elements and environments. However, it seems that the most fundamental wonders and beauties of Earth can be placed into three iconic categories: land, air, and sea. Kellenberg provides its students with opportunities to be in…

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Kellenberg Announces Driving Program

Article by Phoenix writer Cristina Palmieri ’25: Shortly after returning from Christmas break, Kellenberg announced a brand new Driver’s Education program for eligible Firebirds. Juniors and Seniors with a learner’s permit have priority admission for the course, but sophomores can apply to fill the remaining spots. The program has been created in collaboration with East…

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Smashing Success for Gaming Club Tournament

Article by Phoenix writer Molly Driscoll ’26: On Friday, January 17, senior Christopher Gallegra took the initiative to organize a Super Smash Bros. Tournament for the Gaming Club. This event marked the club’s first esports tournament of the year. Students from all grades were welcome to compete in this inaugural tournament held in the Millennium…

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The Bro. Joseph C. Fox Latin School

at Kellenberg Memorial

A Qualitative Catholic Middle School Education With the Resources of a High School

Since 1988, the Brother Joseph C. Fox Latin School has been providing middle school students with a qualitative Catholic education in the Marianist Tradition. Students in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades follow a challenging curriculum that stimulates their intellects and expands their understanding.

We are One Heart. One Mind. Firebirds. Kellenberg. Marianist. Catholic. Family. Kellenberg.


Kellenberg Memorial High School is accredited by the Board of Regents of the State of New York and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

About Kellenberg Memorial

Kellenberg Memorial High School is a private, independent Catholic school established in 1987. It is located near the middle of Nassau County, Long Island, on a campus of twenty-one acres. Kellenberg Memorial is owned and operated by the brothers and priests of the Marianist Community. The curriculum is exclusively college preparatory. Three academic programs prepare students for college studies. Financial constraints do not permit any special academic programs or modifications of the required curriculum. Admission is based on the Catholic High School Entrance Exam.

Learn More About Kellenberg Memorial Here

Faith is a primary aspect of the Kellenberg Memorial school community.

A Marianist Education

In addition to the academic and extracurricular programs at Kellenberg Memorial, students also share in a faith experience within the context of a Catholic school community. All activities, both inside and outside of the classroom, are carried out in the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the spiritual dimension of their education students grow into mature, Christian men and women. Retreat Programs are held in Emmanuel Retreat House on campus and at Founder’s Hollow, a Marianist Retreat Facility in upstate New York.

Faith in Action

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