(Last 4 digits of Venmo number are 0186 if prompted.)

Did you know?

Over 500 companies across the country will match their employees’ gifts to elementary and secondary schools. Many companies will match gifts at a greater than one-to-one ratio!

Donors must visit their Personnel Offices to pick up the appropriate form, fill it out, and send to Kellenberg Memorial, Attn: Office of Advancement.

You may include your check with the form, or donate online and simply submit completed the matching gift form. Any matching gift funds are considered as part of the donor gift total.


Bishop Kellenberg Flock
Gifts of $50,000+
Bro. Joseph C. Fox Flock
Gifts of $25,000-$49,999
Marianist Family Flock
Gifts of $15,000-$24,999
One Heart, One Mind Flock
Gifts of $10,000-$14,999
COR (Civility, Order, Respect) Flock
Gifts of $7,500-$9,999
Holy Family Flock
Gifts of $5,000-$7,499
Christ the Teacher Flock
Gifts of $2,500-$4,999
Queen of the Apostles Flock
Gifts of $1,000-$2,499


Blue and Gold Gift
Gift of $500-$999
Phoenix Gift
Gift of $250-$499
Firebird Gift
Gift of $100-$249
Friend of the Flock Gift
Gift up to $99