Can't wait to see you again!

Kellenberg Memorial High School looks forward to welcoming you back to spend an evening of food, drink, and reminiscing with friends and faculty. We hope that all members of your graduating classes will be able to attend these special celebrations of your years at Kellenberg Memorial and the years since. To ensure that you receive an invitation, please update your contact information here.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer with the planning and outreach for your reunion, please contact Alumni Director Mr. Huggard at

Make a Class Gift Today

We are pleased to continue the tradition of a class gift that has been established by alumni which allows each class to donate money to the Kellenberg Memorial Shepherd’s Fund. The Shepherd’s Fund, along with the Development Fund, works to provide support for the education, work, and activities of Kellenberg Memorial High School. The Shepherd’s Fund helps to provide for many of the expansions and renovations at KMHS. Finally, the goal of these funds is to help to reduce the price of tuition for all Kellenberg students.