Every day is a religious experience.
Prayer marks all moments of the day; in Homeroom, before class, Midday Prayer, the Three O'Clock Prayer, and weekly prayer services enrich students' faith and religious life.
Faith in Action
Kellenberg Memorial students are encouraged to live their faith in many ways. While students are not obligated to participate in community service, over 70% of Kellenberg Memorial students participate in at least one service-based activity.
Uniquely Marianist
“Religion is not taught; it is communicated. Religion is instilled more deeply in the spirits and hearts of the students through the atmosphere that permeates the school rather than through teaching.”

- Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, founder of the Society of Mary
Retreats at Founder's Hollow in Accord, NY
Kellenberg Memorial students have the ability to experience retreat at Founder's Hollow, the 200-acre Marianist retreat facility in upstate New York.
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Upcoming Events

Mother-Son Evening of Recollection

March 15, 2024 – 7:00 PM

Communion Breakfast
Grades 6-9

March 17, 2024

Communion Breakfast
Grades 10-12

March 24, 2024

Recently, members of the Pro Life Circle attended a  Prolife Conference at St. Christopher's in Baldwin. The photo is with all the Kellenberg members of the Prolife Circle along with Dr. Josef Zalot from the National Catholic Bioethics Center. It was very informative and many of our student's parents attended as well.

Recently, members of the Pro Life Circle attended a Prolife Conference at St. Christopher`s in Baldwin. The photo is with all the Kellenberg members of the Prolife Circle along with Dr. Josef Zalot from the National Catholic Bioethics Center. It was very informative and many of our student`s parents attended as well. ...

Online Spiritual Resources

Communicating with the Offices of the Chaplains and Campus Ministry

If you would like to talk to someone about your faith or have a spiritual concern, you may reach out to any of the following people:

Mr. Bryan Finn
Director of Apostolic Activities
ext: 340, mrfinn@kellenberg.org

Fr. Thomas Cardone, S.M.
ext: 291, frthomas@kellenberg.org

Fr. Daniel Griffin, S.M.
Chaplain for the Latin School
ext: 409, frdaniel@kellenberg.org

Campus Ministers:

Mr. Alex Basile

Mr. Daniel Brennan

Miss Lauren Doodian

Bro. Michael Gillen, S.M.

Mr. Shaun Moran

Mrs. Peggy York

About the A.R.K.

The Kellenberg Memorial experience is primarily a faith experience in the context of a school community. The religious life of the school centers around the ARK. The ARK is our campus ministry center. The word ARK stands for Apostolic Response at Kellenberg. Known for its spiral staircase, the ARK is home for our religious activities and serves as the place that organizes the faith life of our school.

Each day at Kellenberg Memorial is a religious experience.

Apostolic Life

Daily Mass is offered before the beginning of the school day at 7:20 a.m. in Maria Regina – Chapel of Our Lady. All the members of the Kellenberg Memorial family may attend–students, parents, family members, faculty and staff.

The school day begins with a short prayer video in homeroom which is broadcast over the school television system. The spirit of prayer continues through the entire day with prayer before each class, with the daily recitation of the Angelus at noon (during the Easter Season, the Regina Coeli) and with our final prayer, the “Three O’Clock Prayer,” at the end of the day.

Students have the opportunity to attend the Midday Prayer Service which is held before each of the lunch periods. Led by Seniors, this short service provides time to slow down and experience God as a daily routine in the school day.

On the Feast of The Triumph of the Cross, the year spiritually begins when the entire school gathers outside near the cross for an opening Prayer Service. The Feast of The Triumph of the Cross is a focal moment at Kellenberg Memorial, a time where we recall the power of God’s love for us and his triumph over sin and death.

Each month the entire school comes together for the celebration of the Eucharist. Three Masses are celebrated simultaneously in the auditorium, gymnasium and cafeteria.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is held annually for the entire student body and also available at any time from one of the priests on the staff.

Special emphasis is given to the liturgical seasons of Advent, Lent and Easter. One major focal point at these times is the school-wide Prayer Service which is presented by the Kellenberg Memorial students.

Each year the Kellenberg Memorial Family gathers for an annual communion breakfast. Mass is celebrated in the auditorium followed by breakfast in the cafeteria. There are two communion breakfasts, one for the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, and the other for the 10th, 11th and 12th grades on Palm Sunday.

The Christmas Midnight Mass is celebrated each year in the auditorium for the Kellenberg Memorial Family. The celebration begins at 11:30 p.m. with traditional Christmas carols sung by the chorus.

As a Marianist school, particular emphasis is given to Mary as Mother of God. The Rosary Prayer Service is held in conjunction with the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. In addition, each May we crown Mary our Mother in the presence of our entire school community. Throughout the course of the year, other Marian feasts are highlighted.

Students are encouraged to become involved in the many religious and service activities which are conducted in school. Students are invited to join in the prayer of the Universal Church before each lunch period. Midday prayer is recited in the Maria Regina student chapel.

Faith Fridays are held throughout the school year by division. The Theme of Faith Friday is building relationships through a Community of Faith. These spiritual events are planned on the school calendar on Fridays throughout the year.

Retreat Programs at Kellenberg Memorial

Emmanuel Retreat House

The third floor of Kellenberg Memorial serves as our on-campus retreat center. All students participate in retreats, either by homeroom or by grade, as well as retreats for all athletic teams, clubs, and activities.

In Junior and Senior year, all students have the option of an over-night retreat in the Emmanuel Retreat House.

Stella Maris Retreat House

Located on Champlin Creek off the Great South Bay in Islip, NY, Stella Maris Retreat House, acquired in 2018, hosts retreats for Kellenberg Memorial’s Freshman Homerooms, Athletic teams, clubs, and apostolic activities.

The Retreat House also serves as home to our Crew team which uses Champlin Creek for training and practice. 

Founders Hollow Retreat House

This 200-acre plot of scenic property in upstate New York was acquired by the Province of Meribah to augment apostolic and retreat work. Founder’s Hollow is named in honor of Father William Joseph Chaminade, founder of the Society of Mary, who was beatified by Pope John II on September 32 3, 2000 in Rome, Italy. Various activities and athletic teams may use the facility for retreats, workshops, work weekends, seminars and training programs of an educational nature. All activities at Founder’s Hollow are coordinated by the Director of Founder’s Hollow.

Parish Religious Education Practicum (P.R.E.P.)

Kellenberg Memorial High School students have the opportunity to perform service to the local church by instructing children in religious doctrine through the Religious Education Programs of various parishes. Kellenberg Memorial High School provides transportation and supervision for this instruction in ten local parishes. Students are also encouraged to teach in their home parishes and will receive credit for the program.

The Sodality of Our Lady of the Pillar

The Sodality of Our Lady of the Pillar takes its origins from Father Chaminade and the work of the earliest Marianists. The Sodality movement became a great source for evangelizing youth after the turmoil of the French Revolution in an age where the practice of religion was almost nonexistent. At Kellenberg Memorial the Sodality has several goals:

  1. To foster awareness of our baptismal commitment to live as a Christian.
  2. To develop a greater sense of Christian community in each individual Sodality group. Jesus founded a community and it is the goal of Sodality to make each member realize the strengths that come from being in and praying with others.
  3. To acquire a deeper knowledge of Jesus and Mary by discussing and praying the Scriptures.
  4. To reflect on serious faith and moral issues which touch the lives of a young person today.

These goals are achieved through:

  • Weekly Sodality Meetings are held every Monday beginning at 3:00 p.m. and concluding at 3:30 p.m. This time is considered so valuable that no other school activities are scheduled at this time.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in retreats, religious activities and community volunteer programs. Because no other activity meets during Sodality, participation is not listed as a school activity.

All students enrolled in grades nine through twelve are eligible for joining Sodality. The Sodality groups are faith evolving groups, where the individual can grow spiritually with the same Faculty Moderator and group each year. The Sodality groups are organized according to division by the Directors of Sodality.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

The ARK sponsors First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the school day in the Maria Regina Chapel. All members of the Kellenberg Memorial Family are welcome to attend. The Eucharistic Ministers will sponsor a prayer experience to begin Adoration during each period of the school day.


XLT (Exalt) is an intense worship experience centered around Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. On one Wednesday evening a month, students are invited to join their classmates and faculty for dinner, a presentation by a notable speaker and prayer.