Current for Summer 2024

9th Grade

Instructions for Summer Reading Assignment

  1. This year all freshmen MUST read the attached short stories. There are four stories in total. It is not mandatory that they are printed, but if you want you may print them and annotate them so that you can review your notes before being tested on the stories.
  2. Select ONE of the books listed in the freshmen summer reading link. You must purchase a copy of the book that you select.
  3. The student’s name must be written across the binding of the book.
  4. The book must be annotated. (see the video link on annotating)
  5. In September, the book will be checked (with points allotted for annotations). Students will have access to the book during the assessment. They will not have access to the short stories during the assessment on those.

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Agulles at

10th, 11th, 12th Grade

Instructions for Summer Reading Assignment

  1. Select any two books in your category to read.
  2. New, hard copies (i.e. not digital editions) of both books must be purchased for each student.
  3. The student’s name must be written across the binding of each book.
  4. Both books must be annotated.  (See video link.)
  5. In September, both books will be checked (with points allotted for annotations), and students will have access to these books during the assessment.

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Agulles (grade 9, or Mrs. vonSchoenermarck (grades 10-12,

You may purchase summer reading books through Amazon.
Please click the title of the book to be taken to where you may order your books.