Current for Summer 2024

Instructions for 6th and 7th Grades:

For your summer reading, you are to choose two books from the list for the grade level you will be entering in September.  It is recommended that you purchase the books so that you can annotate them and bring them to school on the day of the summer reading assessment.

It is strongly suggested that you annotate each book as you read.  Annotating is taking notes and commenting on the text to deepen your understanding and comprehension of the text.  These notes help you to understand and organize what you read.  There is a brief video on annotating if you are not sure how to complete it.

When you annotate, you should be highlighting important details, writing notes in the margins, and using post-its to summarize, make connections to the text, jot down personal opinions/ reflections, question things you do not understand, and react to characters and story events.

Pay particular attention to:

  1. Setting- time and place

2- Characterization- descriptions and clues about characters including direct and indirect

character traits

The summer reading assessment will be given within the first two weeks of school.  If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Agulles at

Instructions for 8th Grade:

For your summer reading, you are to choose two books from the list for the 8th grade.  The books MUST be purchased because you will need to bring them to school on the day of the summer reading assessment.

As you read each book, you MUST annotate the book.  This will be looked at by your teacher and will count as part of your grade.    Annotating is taking notes and commenting on the text to deepen your understanding and comprehension of the text.  These notes help you to understand and organize what you read.  There is a brief video on annotating if you are not sure how to complete it.

When you annotate, you should be highlighting important details, writing notes in the margins, and using post-its to summarize, make connections to the text, jot down personal opinions/ reflections, question things you do not understand, and react to characters and story events.

Pay particular attention to:

  1. Setting- time and place

2- Characterization- descriptions and clues about characters including direct and indirect

character traits

The summer reading assessment will be given within the first two weeks of school.  If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Agulles at

You may purchase summer reading books through Amazon.
Please click the title of the book to be taken to where you may order your books.