Upcoming Events

Register or RSVP for upcoming parent events.

May Crowning Prayer Service — Thursday, May 23, 2024
More info and registration here.

Communication With Parents

Weekly parent bulletins are sent via email with information of concern to parents and students. Report Cards are provided electronically on a secure section of the Kellenberg website. Please consult the school calendar for the dates and times when report cards are made available.

Kellenberg Memorial uses the School Messenger system when time-sensitive communications to parents is necessary. Depending on the communication, email, voice and text messaging may be used; parents are asked to ensure all contact information is kept up-to-date with the school. Tests of the system will be conducted in October, January and April. You must opt-in to receive text messages by texting yes to 68453. Additionally, your mobile number must be up to date with Kellenberg for you to receive our messages. The dates of the tests will be provided in the Parent Bulletin the week of the test. It is Kellenberg Memorial policy to mail communications to only one street address. The mailing will be made to the address the school has on file. If parents are separated or divorced, it is the obligation of the parent who lives at the address Kellenberg Memorial has on file to communicate information to the other parent, to the extent required by law.

Kellenberg Memorial often uses emails to communicate with parents. It is Kellenberg Memorial policy to email communications to only one email address. The email will be made to the email address Kellenberg Memorial has on file. It is suggested, but not required, that parents who are separated or divorced create an email account dedicated exclusively for the receipt of Kellenberg Memorial emails. It is further suggested that both parents share the username and password. While this is the suggested method, this is by no means required. It is the responsibility of the parents to work out how email communications will be shared (to the extent required by law). Any changes in address, telephone number and e-mail communication should be made through the office of the Assistant Principal for Academics.

Parents Club

The Parents Club organizes various services for the school and social programs for the parents. These programs provide support and assistance for the educational activities of their children and many opportunities to meet other parents and develop enduring friendships. Among the services provided by the Parents Club are security for athletic and school events, the Mailing Committee, Emmanuel volunteers, hospitality for Open House and library volunteers. Social activities sponsored by the Parents Club include cocktail parties, the orientation program and the Communion Breakfasts. All parents of students enrolled at Kellenberg Memorial High School are automatically members of the Parents Club. There are no fees or dues for membership.


P.R.I.M.E. (Parishioners Related In Marianist Education) is a parents’ liaison between the school and local parishes. This group of parents serves as an extension of the Principal’s Office and assists in publicizing Kellenberg Memorial to prospective students as well as in promoting the achievements of Kellenberg Memorial students. PRIME is under the direction of the Principal. Any parents interested in joining this group should contact the Principal’s Office.


KAPA is the Kellenberg Alumni Parents Association. The purpose of this association is to keep alive and perpetuate an active interest in the Kellenberg Memorial Family. Its specific aim is to promote the best interests of Kellenberg Memorial High School, as well as a social interest among its members. Any parent or guardian whose son, daughter, or charge has graduated from Kellenberg Memorial is considered a member of KAPA.

Parent News