Are You Interested in Keeping Your Kellenberg Email Address After Graduation?
In the past few months, we have had numerous requests from Firebird alums who are interested in retaining their Kellenberg Memorial email address after graduating from KMHS.
Your Kellenberg email address provides a variety of cloud-based tools through Google’s G Suite for Education. The tools and services include messaging and collaboration apps, such as Gmail, Google Drive and Calendar, Classroom, and so on, as well as storage.
We are happy to provide alumni with continued access to their Kellenberg Memorial email addresses on an annual basis. As this comes at a financial cost to the school, we are asking that alumni who are interested in taking advantage of this offer make a modest annual contribution of $25 to The Shepherd’s Fund, Kellenberg’s annual unrestricted funds which strengthen the school’s academic, spiritual, and co-curricular programs in myriad ways. The Shepherd’s Fund also plays an important role in maintaining Kellenberg Memorial’s modest annual tuition, which is among the lowest on Long Island. Your support will ensure that a Marianist education of the heart and mind is available to future Firebirds for years to come.
Student Email Addresses and associated data are deleted 5 years after graduation from Kellenberg Memorial High School.