From MGA Golf:
GOLFWORKS Interns Attend National Academies
GOLFWORKS interns and First Tee participants Isaiah Whitaker and Nicolette Dilluvio were chosen to attend The First Tee Life Skills & Leadership Academy and The PLAYer Advanced Academy, respectively.
This year’s Life Skills & Leadership Academy was held from July 22–28 in Blaine, Minn. Nearly 100 junior golfers from The First Tee attend each year. Teen participants have the opportunity to develop and hone skills to become leaders in their chapters, schools, and communities while experiencing championship golf, career exploration, and dorm living.
The PLAYer Advanced Academy was held in Reno, Nev., from July 8–15. Intended for advanced players pursuing collegiate golf, 20 to 24 elite junior golfers from The First Tee chapters are selected to attend each summer. Participants receive life skills training and golf instruction from The First Tee Coaches and special guest speakers, with an eye toward improving their chances to compete at a higher level athletically and academically.
Congratulations, Isaiah and Nicolette!