Open House for Accepted Candidates

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Open House for Accepted Candidates Agenda

1) High School Picture Slideshow
2) Auditorium Presentation Begins with Opening Prayer – Fr. Thomas
3) Introduction – Mr. James O’Brien
4) Bro. Kenneth – Introduction to the history and philosophy of Kellenberg Memorial
5) Alumni Speaker
6) Mr. John Benintendi – Extra-curricular Activities and Athletics
7) Chorus Performance
8) Drama Performance


Many years ago the Catholic people of Long Island responded generously to the invitation of Bishop Walter Kellenberg, founding Bishop of Rockville Centre Diocese, to expand Catholic secondary education on Long Island. Over the years, that commitment has continued as Kellenberg Memorial High School has grown to the facility and institution that we know today. Each year, more young people apply to Kellenberg Memorial than can be accepted. As an institution of the Catholic Church, Kellenberg Memorial properly gives Catholic young men and women first priority of registration at Kellenberg Memorial. Enrollment is open to young people who are professing Christians as resources permit.

Kellenberg Memorial students study religion for each of their four years of high school. The first two years are devoted to the study of Holy Scripture, Church History and the Sacraments. The third year course is entitled Christian Morality and the fourth year course is Christian Existence.

Kellenberg Memorial is conducted by the Marianist Community. The Marianist Brothers and Priests and the lay faculty are actively committed to helping each young person not only to understand their faith intellectually, but also to help live their faith. Throughout the school day and the school year, there are many opportunities for religious expressions, ranging from the prayers at the beginning of the school day and before classes to regular student body Masses. Seasonal prayer services and special activities such as food drives and clothing drives give added dimension to religious expression at Kellenberg Memorial. Many students choose to participate in Sodality, an after school activity composed of discussion groups under the direction of teachers. Students are offered the opportunity to attend retreats and days of recollection at the school’s retreat house, Emmanuel, which is located on campus. Retreats are scheduled over two weekdays for juniors and seniors and during the school day for freshmen and sophomores. In addition, Kellenberg Memorial students attend retreats at Founder’s Hollow, a 200 acre retreat facility in upstate New York, and at Stella Maris, a retreat house in Islip, New York.


The very fact that a young person is accepted to Kellenberg Memorial means that he or she has already demonstrated the necessary academic background and ability to succeed in a college preparatory program. The acceptance letter is indeed a vote of confidence in the student’s ability to flourish and to pursue greater academic achievements. The key ingredient that the young person must provide is the willingness to do the work and to fulfill his or her potential as a student. Those who embrace the Kellenberg Memorial experience — in the classroom, in activities, in sports — are those who are happy and successful. Young men and women who do not want to come to Kellenberg Memorial, those who “wait a year” before getting into any activity, and those who do not do the work, are often those who encounter difficulty. The secret is to get involved, to try new things, to join activities or sports, and to do schoolwork.

Kellenberg Memorial students come from as many as seventy different schools: some Catholic, some public, some private. Some students were at the top of their class, others were good but not stellar students, and some exhibited a wider range of abilities. The common factor to all students who are successful at Kellenberg Memorial is a personal commitment to their work and their activities. They are active and involved.


For you, as parents considering enrolling your child at Kellenberg Memorial, the cost of tuition is an important concern.

At registration, $425 will be collected. This amount covers a $325 registration fee and a $100 deposit toward the cost of the iPad. This fee will be collected online as part of the first step in the registration process. Please see your letter of acceptance for more information regarding online registration. The tuition includes all other fees. There are no raffles, sales, drives, collections, or other such required fees.

Once your child has registered and purchased the uniform, there are no other fees or special charges. All other charges such as athletic fees (with the exception of hockey, equestrian and crew), computer use costs, activity charges, religion books, and so on are grouped together and included in the overall tuition cost. Freshmen entering Kellenberg Memorial automatically receive their locks for their school and gym lockers, and their uniform for gym classes.

There is one aspect of finances at Kellenberg Memorial which deserves special mention, the Financial Aid Scholarship Program.


Kellenberg Memorial High School sponsors a financial aid scholarship program for families who experience the loss of a parent or guardian who is a source of financial support for the student enrolled at our school. Two names of parents (or guardians) may be registered for this financial aid scholarship program. The Administrative Staff determines eligibility for this scholarship.


We offer limited assistance to families who may be experiencing unforeseen or unmanageable financial hardships. This is need based and requires that you submit financial information to FACTS to evaluate need.

The application process requires several documents be submitted for consideration of potential assistance. These documents include:

  • Two years of tax returns, including W2s and 1099s
  • All additional proof of income.

In addition, you will be required to submit:

  • Three months of bank statements
  • Mortgage statements and/or lease agreements
  • Credit card statements
  • Investments statements
  • Car payment statements

There is a $40 fee payable to FACTS and does not guarantee that assistance will be granted. Typical awards are usually between one and two months tuition payments, however, based upon the circumstances, it may be more. Awards apply only to the current academic year, and you must reapply each year and previous awards are not a guarantee of future aid. Tuition is expected to be kept current during the application process.

Please email for a link to an application.


  • KMHS has tuition generated income as its only means of support
  • KMHS receives no diocesan or parochial funds
  • KMHS receives no federal, state or local funds for student services
  • KMHS costs are reduced approximately $1,000,000.00 from the contributed services of the Marianist Community


  • Tuition for KMHS is $12,975.00 + $200.00 iPad lease-to-own fee (annual charge)
  • Tuition for the Brother Fox Latin School is $12,675.00 + $200.00 iPad annual rental fee.
  • Registration fee is $425.00 (only for incoming students, inclusive of $100.00 iPad deposit)
  • Green Initiative Environmental Fee $25.00



  • THERE ARE NO HIDDEN FEES.  All the educational costs at Kellenberg Memorial High School are covered by the single tuition.
  • Yearly Tuition Includes:
    • iPad & Cover, Apple Care Maintenance, Software Licensing Fees, Student Required Apps, and Access to Fulltime IT Help Desk.
    • New Student Pack (locks and gym equipment)
    • Student Accident Insurance
    • Retreats at school and upstate New York
    • Access to a digital Yearbook for Grades 9, 10, 11 and a printed copy of the Yearbook Senior Year
    • PSAT cost for Sophomore and Junior years.
  • No athletic fee (with the exception of Hockey, Crew, and Equestrian Club)
  • No graduation fee
  • No activity fee
  • No library fee
  • No lab fee
  • No art class fee
  • No fee for orientation program
  • No fee for all apostolic programs and retreats
  • No advance tuition deposit
  • No required donations
  • No fund raising: bingo, candy sales, raffles, etc.
  • No Parents Club fee
  • An estimated $200.00 savings on school supplies no longer needed due to the use of the iPad.


  • Enhanced Computer Curriculum throughout All Grade Levels
  • A College Prep Course for the entire Junior Year
    • Writing Lab Freshman Year
    • Senior Electives in Computer and Art, and Music Theory
    • Math and Science Seminars at the end of the Senior Year
    • Junior and Senior courses with the option of gaining college credit
    • Enhanced STEM Cluster for extracurricular and co-curricular activities
      • In-house STEM Career Presentations given by outside professionals
      • Expanded Science Curriculum, including Environmental Studies, Health Sciences, Engineering, Earth Science, Forensics, Sports Medicine, and Astronomy


Kellenberg Memorial is a liberal arts high school, with 100% of last year’s graduating class having been accepted to college. The school day begins at 8:10 a.m. and ends at 2:48 p.m. There are nine periods during the day. Seven are devoted to academic study; one is for lunch and one is for enrichment courses and study hall. Students who are interested in music may elect to participate in the Band, Chorus or Orchestra. These activities meet during school time, replacing a student’s study hall. The Kellenberg Memorial curriculum provides a solid program of academic study in each of the major subject areas for all four years of high school. Your child will be taking four years of Religion, English, History, Math, and Science. Your child will also study a language for up to four years (please see below). In addition, your child will take music for one year, art for one year, health for one year, computer education for two years, a Standardized Testing and College Admissions Prep course in the Junior year, and Physical Education for three years.


A student who is in the Honors Program will take World Language for four years. Academic Program students study World Language for the first three years of their high school career and a course in College Writing in addition to the regular twelfth year English course in the senior year. Students in the Academic Program may be encouraged to take a writing course in Junior year based on the first two years of high school performance.


Senior year also provides an elective for students who may choose to take an Advanced Computer Applications, Digital Media, Computer Sciences, an Art Portfolio Preparation class, an International Studies class, or a Music Theory course in place of a study hall. The Kellenberg Memorial program is far more demanding than state requirements, and it satisfies the expectations of college programs. We currently offer a total of 26 courses for dual enrollment college credit; these courses are offered in conjunction with Farmingdale State University in the High School Program, St. John’s University College Advantage Program, Molloy University’s Scholars Program, Adelphi University, and Hofstra University, enabling students to earn college credits.


1. Math

All ninth grade students will take Geometry in the freshman year. In consultation with their Guidance Counselor, students will be evaluated according to their previous Math courses to determine if they will take Algebra I in sophomore year or Algebra II and Trigonometry in sophomore year.

2. Language

If a student is currently taking Spanish, French or Latin and would like to seek advancement into the level 2 course, s/he may take the Validation Exam in that language on Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 9 a.m. Reminders will be sent out in the Spring.

3. Science

All ninth grade students will take Biology in the freshman year. If a student has already taken a Regents level course in Biology (Living Environment), and has earned a grade of 70% or higher s/he is eligible to take an exam on Saturday, June 15 at 9 a.m. in order to validate into Chemistry in the ninth grade. Otherwise these students will be scheduled for Earth Science.


All parents of students at Kellenberg Memorial are automatically members of the Kellenberg Memorial Parents Club. Parents of freshmen are especially welcome and are encouraged to take an active part in the life of the school through the Parents Club. The Parents Club conducts a variety of activities throughout the year. Some are social in nature, such as cocktail parties, dances, and golf outings. Others are service oriented, such as the assistance given to Open House Programs, the mailing committee, and Retreat House Volunteers.


The Class of 2028 will be using the iPad as the primary source of information, note taking, and homework. For any ancillary textbook needs which may occur, Kellenberg Memorial will submit a textbook request to the public school district to supply the book(s). These requests are to obtain any paperback novels which may be used during the school year.


Kellenberg Memorial students come from all parts of Nassau County, parts of Suffolk County and a portion of Queens (New York City). State law mandates that districts provide transportation to Kellenberg Memorial if the student lives within 15 miles of the school. Many school districts also provide late bus service. The accompanying table lists the transportation practices for all Long Island school districts. New York City does not provide transportation to or from schools outside of the city limits. The vast majority of Kellenberg Memorial students live within 15 miles of the school and receive appropriate transportation services – usually by bus – to and from Kellenberg Memorial. Those students who live beyond the 15 mile limit use a variety of means, including public transportation and carpools.

Kellenberg Memorial provides morning bus service from the Mineola Train Station to Kellenberg Memorial. The bus arrives at Mineola Train Station by 7:40 a.m., and leaves for Kellenberg Memorial by 7:50 a.m. The cost of the morning bus for the 2024-2025 school year will be $600.00 per child to help defray the cost of the bus. Questions concerning this portion of transportation should be directed to Mr. Christopher Cartier. Kellenberg Memorial also provides afternoon bus service from Kellenberg Memorial to the Mineola Train Station. The bus leaves Kellenberg Memorial at 5:10 p.m. each day. The bus arrives at the Mineola Train Station at about 5:30 p.m. The cost of the afternoon bus for the 2024-2025 school year will be $600.00 per child to help defray the cost of the bus. Questions concerning this portion of transportation should be directed to Mr. Christopher Cartier.

For families residing in Breezy Point, the Rockaways, Howard Beach, and other areas of Queens, please reach out to Mr. Cartier to discuss transportation options.

In addition to the formal transportation services, there are other important ways of getting to and from Kellenberg Memorial. Carpools, public transportation, and that most important method of all, “Mom and Pop’s Limo Service,” are all quite active. For students who want to be involved in after school activities, there is always some way to get home.

Questions pertaining to transportation are often very complex and must be handled on an individual basis. Particular questions concerning transportation should be directed to Mr. Cartier, the Director of Special Projects,
at (516) 292-0200 ext. 205 or


These buses exist for the 2023-2024 school year. There is no guarantee that transportation will exist next year.  Please check with your public school district for the most up-to-date and detailed information.



Kellenberg Memorial High School prides itself on the extensive program of activities and athletics which are available to the students. Over 64% of the students participated on at least one sport, over 80% of the students were involved in at least one activity, over 90% of our students were on at least one sport or activity, and over 50% participated in both.

Details of try-outs for teams or first meetings for clubs are announced in an August mailing and during the first days of classes. Tryouts for Fall sports will begin during the 3rd week of August and all candidates would need to be present. Please watch those late vacation plans. Most sports have freshman or junior varsity teams to encourage freshman participation.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. ...

Congratulations to the Valedictorians of the Class of 2024, Matthew Gavagan and Julia DeMaro. 

The of 2024 inches one step closer to graduation having elected their valedictorians and have their eyes set on the final weeks of their time in #TheNest at #Kellenberg 💙💛

Congratulations to the Valedictorians of the Class of 2024, Matthew Gavagan and Julia DeMaro.

The class of 2024 inches one step closer to graduation having elected their valedictorians and have their eyes set on the final weeks of their time in #TheNest at #Kellenberg 💙💛

Happy Easter from Italy! Bro. Pat has a special Easter message for us from St. Peter's Square. 

Make sure to check our story throughout the day for photos from our faculty and staff wishing the Kellenberg Family a Happy and Blessed Easter.

Happy Easter from Italy! Bro. Pat has a special Easter message for us from St. Peter`s Square.

Make sure to check our story throughout the day for photos from our faculty and staff wishing the Kellenberg Family a Happy and Blessed Easter.

Today we celebrated the beautiful tradition of the May Crowning, where Mrs. Jeanne Neeson crowned the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth. 

It was a truly moving and special moment to honor our Mother in Heaven and seek her intercession in our lives. Let us strive to imitate her virtues and draw closer to her Son through her loving guidance. 

We would like to thank the Malverne Fire Department for assisting us!!

Today we celebrated the beautiful tradition of the May Crowning, where Mrs. Jeanne Neeson crowned the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth.

It was a truly moving and special moment to honor our Mother in Heaven and seek her intercession in our lives. Let us strive to imitate her virtues and draw closer to her Son through her loving guidance.

We would like to thank the Malverne Fire Department for assisting us!!