Today's Lenten Reflection

Nicole Focazio 11E Lenten Reflections


Jesus’ Temptation in the Desert

After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the desert. While he was in the desert, Satan appeared to Jesus and attempted to tempt him towards sin. After refusing the temptations, Jesus returned to Galilee to begin his ministry. Satan first tempted Jesus by asking him to turn stones into bread, Jesus refused. The second time Satan brought Jesus to a ledge and told him to jump, Jesus refused. The third and final temptation was when Satan told Jesus he would give him everything if he would bow down and worship him, again, Jesus refused. I think this is a very relevant story in today’s society. In the modern world, we are tempted many times throughout the day to do things we know we should not, to do things we know would upset the Lord. And now, it is up to us to refuse these temptations and continue to obey and listen to our Lord. Especially during Lent when we are asked to give up something, just like Jesus did during these 40 days, temptation is very strong. It is up to us to take these temptations and use them to help us turn toward God, not away.  

Crucifixion of Jesus

Jesus was tortured, beaten, and then hung on the cross and left to die. He did all of this for us. It makes you wonder, how can I give back to Him; by praying, by going to adoration, by worshipping him, by not sinning. Yes, these are all ways to “give back” to Jesus. But another way is giving up something special to you for 40 days. Jesus was tortured and beaten for us; he died on the cross for us. So why is it so hard for us to give up something for 40 days when Jesus gave up his life?

Past Reflections

Nicole Focazio 11E Lenten Reflections

  Jesus’ Temptation in the Desert After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the desert. While he was in the desert, Satan appeared to Jesus and attempted to tempt him towards sin. After refusing the temptations, Jesus returned to Galilee to begin his ministry. Satan first tempted Jesus by asking him to turn stones into bread, Jesus refused. The second time Satan brought Jesus to a ledge and told him to jump, Jesus refused. The third and final temptation was when Satan told Jesus he would give him everything if he would

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Shannon Graham 11F Lenten Reflection

After Jesus was brutally scourged and mocked with a crown of thorns, He was forced to carry His Cross and undertake the tortuous path to Golgotha. Jesus could have offered resistance but instead he offered humble acceptance of God’s will which made him capable of enduring the struggles of this difficult journey. Not only did Jesus bear the physical weight of this rough wooden cross, but He carried the spiritual weight of the sins of the whole world. Despite the excruciating pain, torment, and agony, Jesus kept carrying His Cross without complaint or hesitation. In Luke 9:23, Jesus proclaims, “Whoever

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