Congratulations to our talented students in the Latin School. They participated in the annual Catholic Daughters of The Americas education contest sponsored by the Bishop Kellenberg Court located in North Merrick, New York. The entries of the seven winning students exemplified the themes of, “Jesus loves us. How do we spread that love?” or, “How do I promote peace in the world.” The contestants demonstrated their skills, imagination, and creativity in their selected essays, poetry, art, music, and photography samples. Awarded were the following sixth and eighth grade students:
Andrew Donnelly (grade 6)
Catherine Cherpelis (grade 8)
Haley Gustavson (grade 8)
Madison Callinan (grade 8)
Ashley Harding (grade 8)
Juliana Gazzello (grade 8)
Francesca Muzio (grade 6)
An Awards Ceremony was held at the Sacred Heart School in Merrick to reward their achievements with monetary prizes and certificates from both The Catholic Daughters of The Americas and from the local Assemblyman David McDonough.
Congratulations to our accomplished winners.