Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for approximately forty days. During the weeks of Lent we try to prepare for Easter. We focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Each Lent, I try to “give up” something. I have given up candy, lunch snacks, my favorite show… I have come to realize; however, that I should also be doing something extra during Lent. Giving up something is a good thing but deciding to replace the giving up with an action is even more meaningful. For example, if I give up my favorite Netflix show each night and just watch a different show instead it is not really that difficult. If instead I decide to use the time when I would watch the show to pray the Rosary or another prayer or even to call someone who might be lonely, that would be even better. If I give up my snack each day at lunch I could use the money I save to buy something for myself. If instead, I choose to us the extra money to buy food for the poor that would be even better also. Giving up or going without something we like during Lent and replacing it with an action to bring me closer to God will help to make my 40 days of Lent even more meaningful.