MT 15:29-37
In the Bible, numbers have a great significance. The number seven represents perfection and completeness. Throughout this particular passage in Matthew’s Gospel, the number seven is used three times. The number three can be interpreted in the Bible as God can be trusted, no matter the situation. Clearly, the use of these numbers in this passage is not arbitrary. Jesus’ complete and wholly perfect love for all is seen abundantly in this Gospel. He was curing the mute, deformed, lame, and blind – those who, at this time, were considered the lowliest members of society, cursed by God in some way. Furthermore, the crowds’ full trust in Jesus is very clear. For three days, they followed Jesus and His disciples, bringing their sick. Upon realizing that the crowd had not eaten for three full days, Jesus grew worried for their well-being. Both the disciples and the crowd had trust in Jesus, as He fed everyone with only seven loaves of bread and a few fish. With complete trust, the faithful were satisfied.