My Life in Long Island–or is it “on” Long Island?

Article by Phoenix writer Costanza Faldetta ’25: I have stargazed about the American Dream ever since I can remember. Now actually being part of it has felt surreal: from the neighborhoods with huge houses with pools and perfectly mowed lawns, to barbecues and bonfires, wearing crocs and sweatpants (out of the house! That would never happen in Italy), house parties, football games and being a cheerleader. And even if these may be just stereotypes, I

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Blue Breaks Gold’s Win Streak at Annual Blue & Gold Show

Article by Phoenix writer Grace Andino ’25: The crowd was on the edge of their seats, anxiously waiting for a winner to be announced. Although the Gold team had a chance of winning a 4-peat victory, the Blue team secured their win with an overall score of 2,069,– as opposed to the 2,000 of Gold. After months of dedicated practicing and planning, girls from the middle-school and high-school took the stage on Saturday, May 11.

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Mrs. von Schoenermarck’s Classes Dive Into a Year of Literary Exploration

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . “ George R.R. Martin once declared, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one.” If Martin’s words are true, then the sophomores in Mrs. von Schoenermarck’s two American literature classes certainly did a great deal of living this school year! Participating in an independent reading adventure, each student was encouraged to complete books extending

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Budding Musicians Thrill at Jazz Night

Above: Grace Muller solos a U2 classic Article by Phoenix writer Sophia Kelly ’26: Showcasing all the hard work students put into their musical pursuits outside of the classroom, the annual Jazz Night was held on Friday, May 10 in the auditorium. Firebird Swing, Latin School Jazz Band, Latin School Voces, and Fiddle Club performed this year. Each group was able to give those in attendance their own magical experience. The audience enjoyed renditions of

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Queen of Peace Drive Provides Elderly with Year’s Worth of Supplies

Article by Phoenix writer Brooke Oldenborg ’26: This month Kellenberg hosted their annual Little Sisters of the Poor Drive and Rockathon which commenced on May 3 and continued collecting donations until May 10 for the elderly at Queen of Peace Residence in Queens Village. For over 30 years Kellenberg has expressed their admiration and reverence for the sisters by hosting a drive dedicated to donating daily essentials to this community. The Kellenberg community wants to

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Juniors Celebrate Class Rings with 1920’s Dance

Article by Phoenix writer John Renz ’25: The Junior class received their class rings and celebrated the junior ring banquet on Friday, May 17. In a Friday morning assembly, the juniors received their class rings. Packed into the auditorium, the entire grade took part in the Junior Ring Ceremony with parents and family in attendance. School principal Bro. Kenneth Hoagland, S.M., spoke inspiringly on leadership and “commission into the Marianist mission.” Fr. Dan blessed the

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