Pipe Band’s Debut at St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Article by Phoenix writer Griffin Strauss ’25: For the first time, the Kellenberg Memorial Pipe Band marched their way into the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 16. The Pipe Band sent ten of their players to march in the parade. Joining the students were Mr. Collins and Mr. Lynch, the moderators of the Pipe Band, and two former members of the Kellenberg Pipe Band, Anthony Schumacher 23’ and Mary Moore 23’. The

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Kellenberg Celebrates Black History Month with Family Feud

Article by Phoenix writer Grace Andino ’25: In honor of Black History Month, the One Heart, One Mind, Many Cultures Club hosted its very own Family Feud on February 12, 2024. The club brought this iconic game show to the Millennium room where students and faculty had the opportunity to learn more about Black culture. Club members teamed up into families and went head-to-head for victory by fiercely answering questions about Black historical icons, figures,

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Michelle Paszek Shines as National Merit Finalist

Article by Phoenix writer Brooke Oldenborg ’26: Imagine standing in a room with 3.8 million students. That’s how many graduating seniors there are each year. Less than 1% of these students get to become finalists in the National Merit Scholarship program. This however, was no match or concern for senior Michelle Paszek. As a junior, it was time for Michelle to participate in the daunting task of the PSAT/SAT season. On a cold October school

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Salve! Bonjour! Hola! Kellenberg Welcomes Language Week

Article by Phoenix writer Caitlin Hanratty ’25: To embrace the multiple different languages taught here, Kellenberg held its annual Language Week from March 4 to 8 which included French day, Spanish day, and Latin day. Tuesday, March 5 was French day. Students were welcomed to school by French scholars wearing berets. These French students were handing out stickers to anyone who walked by as well as posing with fellow students in front of a banner

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Seniors Participate in Annual Blood Drive

Article by Phoenix writer Bella O’Donnell ’24: On February 2, 2024, Kellenberg hosted the annual blood drive for our seniors. Over 100 students from the senior class donated a pint of blood. Several generous seniors even donated blood via the Alyx Machine or the Apheresis (platelet) donation. This machine separates platelets from the blood and donates double the amount of red blood cells during a singular donation. Each pint of blood can save three infant

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Kellenberg Celebrates Fourth Annual Souper Bowl

Article by Phoenix writer Allison Cortese ’26: On February 9th, the Kellenberg family came together in charity for the fourth annual “Souper” Bowl. In honor of the 2024 Super Bowl, which took place on February 11, students, faculty, and staff were given the opportunity to wear a football jersey in lieu of their blazer. In exchange, students were asked to bring in cans of soup. All donations were collected in the lobby and set to

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