The Renaissance: Shades of Blue

Shades of Blue By Samantha Nobles ’22 “How do you describe the color blue?” By Grace Wilson ’23 Blue is known to evoke melancholy. Yet I find no sadness in it. Blue extends beyond rainy days and Mondays; goodbyes and endings. It is your first breath, welcoming, vulnerable. Driving open-roaded, rolled-down windows, volume full of…

Renaissance Hosts Poetry Read-Around

Article by Phoenix writer Lauren DeRiggi ’24: On Friday, March 18th, Kellenberg’s Renaissance hosted a poetry read-around. The Renaissance is Kellenberg’s Literary magazine where students have the opportunity to express their creativity through prose, short stories, artwork, and essays. The read-around consisted of students in grades 6-12 reading works from their favorite poets, such as…

The Faults of Man

Artwork by Angelina Scalice ’23 Poem by William Hegarty ’23 The pounding sound of dread in my head, The dumbfounded counting of hours, the dazzling showers, Flying like sand in the wind through the sky. Trying and failing with all of our lies, We’ll never reach the promised land while Sinning and watching with bystander’s…


Above: The Monster Within by Samantha Nobles, ’22   Reflection by Angelina Scalice ’23 Such… horror. Such monstrosity. I begged myself to avert my eyes, yet I could not. The terror, it held my gaze. Before me, I saw such a—wretch. Filthy, abhorrent. Feral were its eyes, glowing with— not a flame of passion, but…

Starry Night

“Sky and Stars” by Juan Montes ’22 (above) “Starry Night” by Grace Wilson ’23 Starry Night My phone reads 7:11 PM as I’m boarding the train to Long Island. Just on time, I think to myself, relieved that I wouldn’t have to spend the night in a hotel here in New York City. A few…

Red Scarf in Winter

Red Riding Hood (above) by Katelyn Takes ’23 Red Scarf in Winter (below) by Erin O’Connor ’25 On the first snow day, I wore a bright red scarf in the snow. I left it on the tire swing, And forgot to take it inside. All winter it stayed there, Through cold and wind and blizzard.…