Article by Phoenix writer Lauren DeRiggi, ’24:
The Kellenberg Memorial family gathered to celebrate the May Crowning prayer service on May 20, 2021.
Mrs. Mulligan, with the help of the Floral Park Fire Department, crowned the Blessed Virgin with flowers alongside her two children in the bucket atop the aerial ladder. Fr. Thomas Cardone, S.M., who accompanied the Mulligan family in the bucket, led the prayer service and talked about the sacrifices Mary made for her Son and how we can compare her to maternal figures in our lives.
After Mary was crowned, members of the junior class assisted in reciting the Fifth Glorious Mystery, the Crowning of Mary. The Fifth Glorious Mystery teaches us that after Mary’s Assumption, God crowned her Queen of both Heaven and earth.
For Covid social distance protocols, the junior class gathered outside to watch the crowning, while the rest of the student body watched it live in their cohorts.
When the prayer service ended, the juniors had the opportunity to have breakfast and spent the rest of their morning at junior spirit day, where they received their Junior Rings and participated in various entertainments and activities outside such as karaoke, air hockey, can jam, video game trucks and the traditional junior homeroom tug-o-war. This year’s tug-o-war champion was Mr. Miles’ Homeroom 11A Cohort.