Article by Phoenix writer Cassandra Odudukudu ’24:
On Friday December 1st, 527 mothers and daughters of the Kellenberg community gathered together at the annual Magnificat Dinner. It was a night filled with prayer, fun, food, dance, and song.
The night commenced with a select few mothers and daughters leading in recitations of a decade of the rosary, which allowed progression of the ceremony with faithful hearts. The girls of the Marianist Life team were then introduced by Mr. James O’Brien and Mrs. Doodian. They were asked about their relationship with Mary and the fiat moments in their lives. One of the leaders mentioned the life changing experience of the Ohio Life Retreat where there were 6 days of no technology, where the students learned to guide the school community in faith.
A few members of the Gregorian Consortium sang “O Sanctissima” to show the love to mothers as well as to Mary in song. This then led into the main speaker Mrs. Pamela Sanders’ speech, in which she spoke about the importance of having a relationship with Mary and how she should be a role model for all the women of the community.
Senior Gianna Antonacci 24’ expressed her joy about this event. “ I’m really glad that this dinner was held,” She said. “I brought some important women in my life and I think it made a good bonding experience for all of us. We had a really good time!”
The night went on with dinner, and of course dancing to classics such as “Party in the USA” and “Piano Man”.
This event truly left mothers and daughters a night they’ll never forget.