Article by Phoenix writer Brooke Oldenborg ’26
The Holocaust Memorial Center and Tolerance Center of Nassau County came to Kellenberg on Tuesday, January 30 to inform students about the history of disinformation during the Holocaust.
The event was open to all students, including outstanding participation from the One Heart One Mind, Many Cultures club.
Donna Rosenblum, workshop educator at the Tolerance Center, educated Kellenberg students about how propaganda played a significant role during the Holocaust. Mrs. Rosenblum explained how the Nazis would use horrible propaganda techniques to impose ideologies that would encourage discrimination against many groups. Participants were able to view various forms of real propaganda used during the 1930s. Together, groups were able to identify the messages portrayed in each of the pieces of propaganda.
Senior Tara Pettinato, member of the Cultures club, shares how the presentation taught her about the harsh reality of life during the Holocaust.
“It was interesting for us, as students, to learn about the different ways of living through the Holocaust, and how nationality and different backgrounds deeply affected their daily lives and lifestyles.”
By developing more compassion, understanding, and empathy, through the topic of the Holocaust, the presentation made clear how promoting inclusivity and acceptance can create a much more peaceful society.
Overall, this presentation gave insight on the history of antisemitism and, more broadly, discrimination.