Thanksgiving Food Drive Generates A Plethora of Meals Thanks to the Latin School Division

Article by Phoenix writer Lauren DeRiggi ’24: Throughout the month of November, Latin School C.R.O.S.S. hosted its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Students brought non-perishable food items into their homerooms to give to the less fortunate through local parish food pantries. The food was then collected by Marianist Leaders and members of Latin School C.R.O.S.S. to…

Archbishop Christopher Cardone Celebrates Mass for Our Lady of the Pillar

Article by Phoenix writer Kenneth Kaywood ’24: On October 20th, the Kellenberg Memorial family celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Pillar. The feast celebrates when the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the Apostle James the Greater while he was evangelizing in Spain and is the first recorded Marian apparition. Archbishop Christopher Cardone was the…

Kellenberg Reveals Newly Renovated Earth Science Lab

Article by Phoenix writer Delaney Clark ’25: The Earth Science Lab in room 122 was completely renovated this summer. Beginning in October of 2021, science department staff members began to meet to discuss the designs of the new lab. Among these staff members was Mr. Anthony Wevers, the Science Department Chairman. Mr. Wevers played a…