Article by Phoenix writer Sophia Venturino ’26:
Before Christmas, the Health Science club sent cards to senior citizens living in nursing homes via the “My Dear Friend Card Creating” program begun by Glamour Gals. This is an organization that seeks to raise awareness about elderly solitude, while also working to create change by making them feel appreciated, loved, and valued.
The club discussed the challenges associated with aging physically; students learned about the geriatric simulator: a wearable device that lets users experience what it is like to be physically old. This helps people to realize the day to day challenges and setbacks that the older generations battle in their daily lives. They learned the build of the device, which features visual impairment glasses and a weighted vest, as well as multiple ankle and wrist weights.
Learning about these daily struggles helped students to greatly empathize with their elders, not just physically, but also mentally. Loneliness in seniors can lead to an increased risk for heart disease, dementia, and anxiety. One in four seniors experience social isolation: a trait particularly prevalent in this age group. Upon learning all this, Junior Gianna Prestigiacomo says, “I was so excited to have the opportunity to write cards for the elderly. It felt good knowing that I would brighten someone’s day by making them feel seen, heard, and loved.”
Due to the success of the Christmas cards, the health science club has decided to continue with the program by writing Valentine’s Day letters to bring love and affection to so many people. So far, Glamour Gals has distributed cards to over 200,000 lonely seniors and Kellenberg is honored to be able to contribute to this amazing mission.