Article by Phoenix writer Delaney Clark ’25:
Kellenberg held a schoolwide Mass to celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord on Thursday, May 9.
Fr. James Donovan of St. Anthony’s Church in Oceanside and Fr. Matt Browne of St. Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre made the trip to Kellenberg to preside over Mass for the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade students. Kellenberg’s own Fr. Daniel Griffin, S.M., preached Mass for both the Latin School and the senior class.
During his homily, Fr. Dan emphasized the importance of the Eucharist in our lives. Each student was called to remember their First Holy Communion and the happiness that the Eucharist brought them. We are called to maintain the same joy, which we first experienced many years ago, during Mass every Sunday when we receive Communion.
This Mass was the last of many for our seniors, who had completed their last day of classes just two days prior. Senior Brigid Brown says, “Father Dan talked about everyone’s first Communion and entering into the Catholic world, but now we are leaving high school and entering the Catholic world by ourselves, so we need to always keep Christ with us. I loved how he correlated the two of entering the Catholic world to entering the real world and for both you need God.”
The Mass left the Seniors with a beautiful piece of parting wisdom: to keep Christ close to their hearts as they move on from life at Kellenberg.