Article by Phoenix writer Molly Driscoll ’26:
The Latin School’s annual Witness Day took place on All Saints Day, November 1st. This event was an excellent way for students to bond with their peers through engaging activities centered around faith, food, and fun.
Each grade received different colored shirts that had the phrase “Regina Verte Lumina” printed on the back. This Latin motto was chosen by Bishop Walter P. Kellenberg from the hymn of the first vespers in the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It translates to “Queen, guide me by the light” and features an image of Mary holding Jesus.
To start off the day, each student wrote and decorated a prayer to a saint in their homerooms. Crossword puzzles and a Kahoot based on saints were also available for students to enjoy.
After this, students and faculty celebrated an All Saints’ Day mass in the FCAA. This mass was a wonderful way to begin the day, demonstrating to students that all of the saints have an integral role in our faith, making it a meaningful way to commemorate them for their actions.
Following the mass, students played different games including basketball, volleyball, kickball, gaga ball, and more. Seventh grader, Sutton Nasso, noted “My favorite part of Witness Day was spending time with my friends out of the classroom. It gave me the chance to know my classmates better without worrying about tests or quizzes. We all bonded so well together, whether it was praying together or enjoying fun activities.”
Once the games wrapped up, Father Dan, S.M., led a beautiful adoration in the auditorium. According to Mr. Brennan, “It was the perfect end to a perfect day! I would like to personally thank all of the faculty, staff, Marianist leaders, and all of the students in the Latin School who participated in another successful Witness Day.”
Overall, Witness Day was a memorable and wonderful way for students to connect with their fellow classmates through the three pillars of retreat, faith, food, and fun.