Article by Phoenix writer Victoria Vakser ’26:
Singing the entrance hymn, the Gregorian Consortium opened this year’s Triumph of the Cross prayer service. Members of the student body joined in prayer and exaltation as they watched the service from their classrooms. The familiar and beautiful song “At the Cross” initiated contemplation of Christ’s plight at Calvary, and Fr. Thomas Cardone, S.M., continued this theme in his homily when he invited students to “be crucified with Christ, share the challenge, and receive the glory.” He closed the homily with a welcome reassurance: “The peace of Christ will always prevail and perfect love will cast out fear.”
After the service in the auditorium, Fr. Tom proceeded outside to bless the Cross and read the Litany for the Triumph of the Cross. Cadet Emilia Syvertsen, who was experiencing this Kellenberg tradition for the first time, said the blessing of the Cross was her favorite part: “Most of all, I really liked when Father Tom censed the cross and sprinkled it with the holy water.” Her classmate Agata Siedlecki added, “And I really liked that we each got our own crosses!” Both girls agreed that the prayer service taught them a lot about the feast of the Triumph of the Cross and how to carry crosses in their own lives.
Commenting on this event, Mr. Barbier said, “Gathering as a community to commemorate how the Cross brings resurrection out of crucifixion gives us hope as a Kellenberg community.”