Article by Phoenix writer Lillian Stern ’22
On December 1, Kellenberg held its monthly Eucharistic adoration, XLT, to kick start Advent. Attending XLT is a great way for students to mature their faith life alongside friends and Kellenberg faculty outside the classroom. The students shared a pizza dinner and then headed to the auditorium for adoration. Mr. James O’Brien, a freshman scripture teacher, was chosen as the guest speaker for the event.
Mr. O’Brien commented, “Being chosen as a speaker is a great honor. Seeing students who immerse themselves in their faith life is really powerful.”
In his speech, Mr. O’Brien reminded the students that Mary does not promise to make them happen every day in this life but in the next. He told students that Mary wants them to develop a relationship with her.
Mr. O’Brien also shares, “At XLT, I spoke about the image of Mary in my life: starting from my days at Chaminade, to my life now, as a lay Marianist teaching the faith. It is important to me that students understand that teachers experience many of the same struggles. I hoped that the audience could see that the faith journey is not always easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding.”
One student who attended, senior Gabriel Granados said that when he attends XLT, “I really feel a spiritual connection by just slowing down and being able to just be in the moment with God.”
This particular XLT served to provide the students a new outlook as they enter a new liturgical season.