Kellenberg Celebrates World Kindness Day

Article by Phoenix writer Keira Quigley ’26: In honor of World Kindness Day, which is celebrated in the United States on November 13th, Kellenberg hosted its own “World Kindness Day Celebration” on November 17th, 2023. This event showcased the Disney movie “Elemental,” which features many messages about kindness, including cultural kindness. Fifty students were in…

Mothers and Daughters Come Together At Annual Magnificat Dinner

Article by Phoenix writer Cassandra Odudukudu ’24: On Friday December 1st, 527 mothers and daughters of the Kellenberg community gathered together at the annual Magnificat Dinner. It was a night filled with prayer, fun, food, dance, and song. The night commenced with a select few mothers and daughters leading in recitations of a decade of…

One Heart, One Mind, Many Cultures Club Hosts Third Annual Christmas Cookie Exchange

Article by Phoenix writer Michelle Paszek ’24: On Monday, December 11th, 45 members of the One Heart, One Mind, Many Cultures Club met for the club’s third annual Christmas Cookie Exchange in the Emmanuel Retreat House. Mr. Bursig began the event by singing traditional Christmas carols, such as “Silent Night,” “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,”…

Door Decorating Brings Christmas Spirit To Kellenberg

Article by Phoenix writer Mika-Ella Accardi ’25: On November 28, Kellenberg kicked off the Christmas season with its annual tradition of Christmas door decorating. Kellenberg was full of Christmas cheer as students and faculty put up their trees, hung lights in their rooms, and most importantly— decorated their doors. Each class came up with a…

Kellenberg Honors Veterans With Annual Tribute Dinner

Article by Phoenix writer Keira Quigley ’26: On Thursday, November 9th, 2023, Kellenberg hosted its annual Veterans Tribute Dinner, welcoming 350 people with over 100 of them being veterans. This event was an opportunity for Kellenberg students to bring a family member or friend who served in the military and honor them as well as…

Finding Balance: Exercising the Body and the Mind

Article by Phoenix writer Griffin Strauss ’25: Guidance counselor, gym teacher, and coach Mrs. Simonelli has a fitness routine. Besides keeping her physically healthy, this routine has a massive benefit that can go unnoticed from outside perspectives: it keeps her in great mental shape. Mrs. Simonelli’s routine includes playing tennis or pickleball at least five…

Academic Achievement Recognized At Annual Awards Assembly

Article by Phoenix writer Keira Quigley ’26: On Tuesday, October 24th, sophomores, juniors, and seniors with outstanding academic achievements were honored at the annual Academic Awards Assembly. This assembly included students receiving pins for being on the Honor Roll, badges for having perfect attendance, and inducting new students into the National Honor Society. Mrs. Cameron,…