Article by Phoenix writer Ryleigh O’Neill ’28:

Latest News
Article by Phoenix writer Sophia Venturino ’26:
The PhoenixOnline is the school newspaper, published by the students of Kellenberg Memorial High School. Articles are posted throughout the school week to PhoenixOnline at PhoenixOnline covers various Faith, Academic, Extra-Curricular, and Athletic stories and features at Kellenberg Memorial. PhoenixOnline staff contribute to the school journalism publication by conceiving stories, attending school events, conducting interviews, and writing and editing articles. Membership on the PhoenixOnline staff is open to all students in grades 6 through 12. Editorship positions are available by application.
PhoenixOnline Surveys
Throughout the year, we run open surveys polling our student body on some general interest topics.
PhoenixOnline Video Segments
Spotlight on the Chess Club
College Fairs at Kellenberg Memorial
Drama Club presents
You Can't Take It With You
Athletics News

Firebirds Take Gold at League Tournament
Article by Phoenix writer Griffin Strauss ’25: The Firebird wrestling team soared to victory at the NSCHSAA League Tournament on Sunday, February 9th. The team wrestled hard earning a total of 434 team points, 71.5 points ahead of runner-up and league rival Chaminade, to secure the title of League Champions.

Kellenberg Athletes Honored at Hofstra
Article by Phoenix writer Grace Andino ’25: Hofstra University celebrated accomplished Kellenberg student-athletes at the January 25 Hofstra vs. Delaware Men’s basketball game. Hofstra has been looking to become more engaged with Kellenberg Memorial in the form of student recognition over the past few years. At the end of last

Firebird Wrestlers Dominate at Battle at the Beach
Article by Phoenix writer Griffin Strauss ’25: On Saturday, December 7, 26 Firebird wrestlers competed in the prestigious Varsity Battle at the Beach Tournament in Long Beach. Senior Elijah “Conquering” Carrington dominated his weight class pinning the second ranked wrestler in Nassau County and beating the fifth ranked wrestler in

FCAA Celebration Honors Benefactors
Article by Phoenix writer Caitlin Hanratty ’25: On November 16, the Firebird Center Completion Celebration was hosted in the FCAA for its major benefactors to celebrate the official opening of the new building on the 1400 Glenn Curtiss property. More than 500 benefactors, faculty, staff, and additional guests attended the
Activities News

Speech and Debate Orates Their Way to Victory
Article by Phoenix writer Delaney Clark ’25: On Saturday, November 9, the Speech and Debate Team took part in a competition against other rookie competitors of the Long Island Speech and Debate League. Five Kellenberg members participated in these debates: Jillian McLaughlin, Thomas Englese, Anna Prince, Emanuel Chamarro, and Callum

Kellenberg Sets Sail with New Sailing Club
Article by Phoenix writer Mika Accardi ’25: On Saturday, November 2, Kellenberg’s newly formed Sailing Club competed in their first invitational regatta at the Waterfront Center in Oyster Bay. The Sailing Club had practiced three days a week in preparation for the regatta. Seniors John Renz and Marco Arena, Sophomore

Model UN Team Dominates at Annual UCMUN Conference
Article by Phoenix writer Olivia Iorio ’26: From November 8 to 10, fourteen delegates from Kellenberg’s Model UN team traveled to their first conference of the year, the University of Connecticut Model UN Conference. The Delegates from Kellenberg participated on five different committees, and were joined by 400 other students

Freshmen Count the Candy in Halloween Raffle
Article by Phoenix writer Olivia Iorio ’26: The Halloween Raffle, held from October 28-30, was spurred on by the goal of Freshman GSO (General Student Organization) to continue the excitement of Freshman Faith Day. Mrs. Egan explained, “After a very spirited competition on Faith Day, GSO thought to capitalize on
Apostolic News

Junior/Senior Evening of Recollection Renewed for 2024-25 School Year
Article by Phoenix writer Margaret Nitkewitcz ’26: Numerous upperclassmen gathered together in faith for the Junior/Senior Evening of Recollection on Friday, November 15. Kicking off the night, the students in attendance were served dinner, after saying grace. “I chose to come to this event to spend time with my Kellenberg

Latin School Students Participate in Annual Witness Day
Article by Phoenix writer Molly Driscoll ’26: The Latin School’s annual Witness Day took place on All Saints Day, November 1st. This event was an excellent way for students to bond with their peers through engaging activities centered around faith, food, and fun. Each grade received different colored shirts that

Continuing a LIFE of Service
Article by Phoenix writer Marianist LIFE Team ’25: While many students began winding down after their comprehensive exams, Kellenberg’s Marianist L.I.F.E team were excited to see what their week would have in store. In June, twelve seniors had the unique opportunity to travel to California to deepen their faith. L.I.F.E.

Kellenberg Students Put Faith First
Article by Phoenix writer Cristina Palmieri ’25: The 11:18 bell rings, signaling the end of fourth period. Students shove materials in their bags to hurry to their next class. My friends and I rush to our lockers that are conveniently located next to the Maria Regina Chapel downstairs, where most
Last Week at Mass

LAST WEEK AT MASS: “Ja te volim.”
Article by Phoenix writer Paulina Barnjak ’24: “Ja te volim.” With those three words, I am assured that I am loved, in this world and the next. I think it’s universal that society does not know how to handle the loss of a loved one. Even as Catholics, as we

Last Week at Mass: With Eucharist in Hand, I Knew God’s Plan
Article by Phoenix writer Caitlin Hanratty ’25: While many of my peers struggle to know what they are meant to do with their lives, my problem was that I naively assumed I had it all figured out. That was until my junior year of high school. In the past few

Last Week at Mass: My Name, My Calling, My Purpose From God
Article by Phoenix writer Grace Andino ’25: Towards the end of my sophomore year, feelings of unproductivity and concern lingered in my mind. Distracted by the upcoming junior year, I questioned if I followed God’s plan for my life efficiently. Throughout my five years at Kellenberg, I’ve had the unique

Last Week at Mass: A Lady’s Lesson on Grief and Love
Article by Phoenix writer Amely Nuñez ’23: Serving as an altar server has granted me the opportunity to view the Mass in a very intimate and personal light. I have a perfect view of both the altar and the parishioners in the pews. Having seen thousands of congregants, one person
But What Do I Know?

But What Do I Know: The Musings of a Margin Scribbler
Article by Phoenix writer Paulina Barnjak ’24: Many students dread summer reading, especially when they have to annotate and highlight in the books. But let me tell you a secret – I LOVE writing in the margins of books. Some people may view this as a destruction of property or a waste of time. If they see an annotated book on the shelf or a hand me down book from a relative, they might choose a neater, nicer book to read. The annotations might get in the way of your perception of the book. But in my eyes, that’s good – a new perspective is great, sometimes even life changing. Billy Collins writes about these annotations in his poem, “Marginalia.” I can picture myself as the people within the lines of this poem, especially in the following excerpt: “One scrawls ‘Metaphor’ next to a stanza of Eliot’s. Another notes the

But What Do I Know: Vinyl is Final
Article by Phoenix writer Cristina Palmieri ’25: Photo by Ryan Arnst on Unsplash Listening to music has always been a favorite pastime of mine where I can express myself. Many people share this hobby with me. In recent years, cultivating playlists or mixtapes has become very popular. Personally, my Spotify account has close to one hundred playlists with songs spanning countless genres and time periods. As much as I love being able to access my favorite songs at the click of a button, something about listening to an album on a vinyl record cannot be topped by digital listening. One reason I prefer records over a playlist is the storytelling aspect of an album. While this may not be true for all albums, some of them, such as David Bowie’s “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars,” are meant to be listened to as a

But What Do I Know: CheatGPT Is Cheating Humanity
Article by Phoenix writer Griffin Strauss ’25: In our rapidly changing world, technology often outpaces our ability to adapt or even transform. This is profoundly evident in the case of ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that has recently taken over the world of writing. It enables people to cheat the system and create new works of writing with minimal input. The dangers of this are great, and yet we continue to misuse it. ChatGPT presents a plethora of issues for writers, foremost is the question of authenticity. Writers of all walks of life from academics to employees can use the software of ChatGPT to formulate reports and essays easier than ever. They simply tell ChatGPT what they want to accomplish and it executes it in minutes. When utilizing ChatGPT, the user is tapping into a database teeming with information that the user has never known. If the use of ChatGPT becomes

But What Do I Know: Crush the Evil Social Media
Article by Phoenix writer Cristina Palmieri ’25: Voltaire said “Crush the evil thing.” It sounds cooler in French, but I don’t know French. Voltaire wickedly ridiculed all of the corruptions and evils of his time. No doubt, social media would be on his radar if he lived today. Since its beginnings, social media has ingrained itself into society. There has been a lasting obsession with constantly posting updates about our lives on some sort of platform, whether it be a relationship status on Facebook or a picture of your last vacation on Instagram. However, there has been a decline in this obsession. With Twitter on a fast decline and TikTok’s existence being in jeopardy, there has been a rising conversation about social media’s impact on society within the last ten years. While some might mourn the loss of their favorite apps, I will honestly be relieved with social media’s downfall.
Academics News

Junior History Trip Sparks Appreciation for the U.S.
Article by Phoenix writer Mary O’Brien ’27: From Washington’s Headquarters to West Point Academy: On October 18th, the class of 2026 made their own trip down the Hudson on an academic journey to broaden their knowledge of American History. Leaving Kellenberg at 6:15, the 42 sleepy juniors made their first

Students Send Shivers Down Your Spine at Fright Club
Article by Phoenix writer Griffin Strauss ’25: On October 22, Bro. Peter Sennett, S.M., held a meeting for the creative writing contest Fright Club in room 122. Middle and high school students alike joined to share their ideas for horror short stories and get assistance from Bro. Peter to make

Kellenberg Seniors Attend Molloy Common Read
Article by Phoenix writer Mika Accardi ’25: On Wednesday, October 9, ten Kellenberg seniors had the opportunity to visit Molloy University for Molloy’s annual freshman Common Read. Each year, Molloy assigns a book to their incoming freshmen class, after which the author of that book is invited to give a

Students Dominate the Courtroom at Yale Invitational
Article by Phoenix writer Sophia Kelly ’26: On September 13, the Kellenberg Mock Trial team set out on their first invitational of the year, the Yale Bulldog Invitational. The team skillfully delivered examinations of the witnesses, presented their case, and introduced evidence in their greatest attempt to prevail in the
Firebird Crosswords
The Renaissance
An important extra facet of the academic life at Kellenberg Memorial is the literary magazine, Renaissance. Published twice a year in Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer issues, it contains the creative writings and artistic talents of students from grades six through twelve.
The creative voice heard in the poems, short stories, essays, and art is often unheard in the day-to-day work within the classroom.
Prose: “Childhood Christmas” by Ciara Bice ’25
“Childhood Christmas” by Ciara Bice ’25 Waking up on December 1 to find the Elf on the Shelf and open the Advent Calendar there is

Renaissance Views Powerful Documentary
Article by Phoenix writer Griffin Strauss ’25: Photo credit: Mary O’Brien The Renaissance gathered together to view the 2015 documentary “I Come From,” a film
Poem: “A dusk was come” by Viktoria Vakser ’26
A dusk was come; the earth a sullen quiet Had raised to protest Night’s impending gloom, And pulled the tired land to noiseless riot, Forestalling
Poem “The freedom we chase” by Kylie Mummendey ’25, The Renaissance Challenge Winner
The freedom we chase Kids’re so quick to grow up, they dream of being “free” They race through long grass barefoot, past playgrounds and climbing
Poem “The Gossamer Curtain” by Victoria Vakser, ’26
Sometimes Time seems but a sad joke Millions of tiny pictures Bright, flashy, Cheap. All crowded Into a frame which reads, Your Life. But if

The Renaissance Challenge Winner: “Energy Doll” by Brandi Licato ’24
“Energy Doll” Illustration by Brandi Licato ’24