Girls Bring Significant Men in Their Lives to the Pop Hop Celebration

Article by Phoenix writer Bella O’Donnell ’24: On Thursday, January 26, Kellenberg hosted the annual Pop Hop celebration. Five hundred girls along with the important men in their lives, such as dads, grandpas, and uncles, joined Kellenberg on the night before Founder’s Day to share in food, dance, and prayer. In celebration of Founders Day,…

Drama Club Holds Performance of “Macbeth”

Article by Phoenix writer Cristina Palmieri ’25: On Friday, March 3rd, and Saturday, March 4th, the Kellenberg Drama Club performed their spring production of “Macbeth”. “Macbeth”, which was written by the brilliant playwright William Shakespeare, follows the story of the titular character Macbeth, who works in immoral ways to fulfill a prophecy of him becoming…

Daily Challenges and Reconciliation Leads Students into the Lenten Season

Article by Phoenix writer Brooke Federico ’24: The Lenten Season commemorates the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert, not once surrendering to the temptations of the devil. Every year during the Lenten season, students are challenged to be the best version of themselves by performing acts like staying kind, being on top of school…

Sisters of Life Visit Kellenberg for Spiritual Presentation

Article by Phoenix writer Delaney Clark ’25: On Thursday, February 16th, the Senior, Junior, and Sophomore divisions gathered in the auditorium for a presentation by the Sisters of Life. Sister Charity, S.V., Sister Madeline, S.V., and Sister Cecilia, S.V., shared their personal calls to faith and the vocation of Sisters of Life. The presentation started…

Body, Mind, & Heart Club Hosts “Battle of the Burnout” Presentation

Article by Phoenix writer Michelle Paszek ’24:  On Wednesday, February 15th, the Body, Mind, & Heart Club met in room 201 after school to discuss student burnout. Senior Samantha Vitale presented her research entitled “Battle of the Burnout” to the club members. Samantha completed this research to earn her Gold Award, which is the highest…

Wrestling Team Attends Wreaths Across America Ceremony

Article by Phoenix writer Griffin Noumair ’24: The Kellenberg Wrestling team woke up bright and early to travel to the Long Island National Cemetery in Farmingdale to participate in National Wreaths Across America Day on Saturday, December 17, 2022. Wreaths Across America is an organization that coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies for fallen soldiers in 3,700 different…