Juniors Hunt for 19th Century Technology at Old Bethpage Village Restoration

On Saturday, May 11, Kellenberg Junior students visited Old Bethpage Village Restoration for a STEM/History Nineteenth Century Scavenger Hunt. This unique opportunity allowed the Kellenberg History and Science Departments to partner with the staff at Old Bethpage Village to develop this program. During the trip, students were able to identify both STEM and History in…

25 Firebirds Commit to NCAA Athletics After Graduating

The Marianist Community, Administration, Faculty, and Staff would like to congratulate these 25 student-athletes for their hard work, effort, commitment and success in the classroom, on the athletic fields and in celebrating their faith as valued members of the Kellenberg Memorial Family. Today they take the next step in their educational growth as they commit to the college they wish to attend and agree to participate in collegiate athletics at the highest level.

NYSSMA All State Student Recital

Last night the Kellenberg Memorial High School Music Department held their annual NYSSMA All-State Student Recital featuring students featured in this weekend’s NYSSMA All-State performances. These students will be amongst the roughly 10,000 students who have auditioned for All-State in New York state this year and represent a portion of our many advanced musicians vying for this honor.

Alumni Spotlight: Katie Broshek ’14

Katie graduated summa cum laude from The Catholic University of America in May 2018 with a major in Psychology and minors in Theology and Philosophy. Katie now works full time as a research assistant at Uniformed Services University’s Center for Study of Traumatic Stress in Bethesda, MD, where she contributes to research projects aimed at…