The Renaissance: Satellite

By Faith Schwartz, ’21: Two abandoned buildings of the State are captured from behind the camera lens. Renaissance Arts and Literature, presented by Phoenix Online In an effort to reach as many of our Kellenberg Families as possible, Phoenix Online is now proud to post weekly poems, prose, art, and photography from our student contributors…

The Phoenix: Seniors Welcome the Jim and Diane Rowen Stem Center

Article by Mary O’Connor, ’21: Kellenberg Memorial has opened up its newly-installed lab doors to the class of 2021. Starting January 14, the senior class began its rotation of lab days, beginning with cohorts A3 and C1. Four completely remodeled laboratories, one for each study of lab-heavy science covered in Kellenberg, including Kellenberg’s science seminar…

The Renaissance: 3:56

By Edward Jansen, ’21: The nights are hardest In a lonely leather chair Gripping Firmly on the armrest Daring not to blink (Just do it, don’t think!) Worrisome Quite slowly She opens up the door Softly Lingering on the handle Steps into the corridor We do not speak the other’s language Melting slowly in the…

From The Renaissance: Winds of Change

In an effort to reach as many of our Kellenberg Families as possible, Phoenix Online is now proud to post weekly poems, prose, art and photography from our student contributors for Renaissance, Kellenberg’s Arts and Literature magazine. The Kellenberg Memorial students and staff at Renaissance and Phoenix Online are proud to share these creative works.…